Thursday, April 28, 2011

Just a note about my patterns

They are all done with cotton yarn. The reason I dont put needle size is everyone is different and alot of people have their own preference. I dont know the gauge as someone tests my patterns and sends me the photos. Thanks Roxee

Sunday, April 24, 2011


43. K4, P5, K2, P2, K2, P4, K2, P2, K2, P4, K2, P8, K2, P10, K2, P7, K4
45. K4, P5, K2, P2, K2, P4, K2, P2, K2, P4, K2, P8, K2, P10, K2, P7, K4
47. K4, P5, K2, P2, K2, P4, K2, P2, K2, P4, K2, P8, K2, P10, K2, P7, K4
49. K4, P5, K6, P4, K6, P4, K2, P8, K2, P10, K2, P7, K4
51. K4, P5, K6, P4, K6, P4, K5, P5, K5, P7, K2, P7, K4
53. K4, P5, K2, P2, K2, P4, K2, P2, K2, P4, K2, P2, K2, P4, K2, P2,
K2, P5, K4, P6, K4
55. K4, P5, K2, P2, K2, P4, K6, P4, K2, P2, K2, P4, K2, P2, K2, P4,
K2, P2, K2, P5, K4
57. B4, P5, K2, P2, K2, P5, K4, (P5, K5)2X, P5, K2, P2, K2, P5, B4
59, 61, 63, 65. K4, P56, K4
66-71. K

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

KAL Day 4

29. K4, P2, K6, P3, K6, P3, K2, P2, K2, P3, K6, P4, K6, P3, K6, P2, K4
31. K4, P2, K6, P4, K4, P5, K4, P4, K6, P4, K6, P3, K5, P3, K4
33. K4, P56, K4
35. K4, P2 (K3, P3) 9X, K4
37. K4, P56, K4
39. K4, P5 (K3, P3) 7X, K3, P6, K4
41. K4, P56, K4

KAL Day 3

19. K4, P2, K6, P3, K2, P2, K2, P3, K2, P2, K2, P5, K2, P6, K6, P3,
K2, P2, K2, P2, K4
21. K4, P2, K2, P7, K2, P2, K2, P3, K2, P2, K2, P5, K2, P6, K2, P7,
K2, P2, K2, P2, K4
23. K4, P2, K5, P4, K6, P7, K2, P5, K2, P6, K5, P4, K5, P3, K4
25. K4, P2, K5, P4, K6, P4, K4, P6, K2, P6, K5, P4, K5, P3, K4
27. K4, P2, K2, P7, K2, P2, K2, P3, K2, P9, K2, P6, K2, P7, K2, P2, K2, P2, K4

Monday, April 18, 2011

KAL Day 2

9, 11, 13, 15. K4, P56, K4
17. K4, P2, K6, P3, K2, P2, K2, P4, K4, P6, K2, P6, K6, P3, K2, P2, K2, P2, K4

Sunday, April 17, 2011

KAL Day 1

CO 64
1-6. K
7. K4, P56, K4

Ripples Cloth

CO 41
1- B4, (K2, P2) 2X, K1, P2, K2, P2, K3, P2, K2, P2, K1, P2, K2, P2, K2, B4
2- B4, P1 (K2, P2, K2, P3, K2, P2, K2, P1,) 2X, B4
3- B4, K1 (P1, K2, P2, K5, P2, K2, P1, K1) 2X, B4
4- B4, P3, K2, P2, K1, P1, K1, P2, K2, P5, K2, P2, K1, P1, K1, P2, K2, P3, B4
REP 1-4 11X MORE

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Flower and Stem #3

Cast on 41st. Work 6 rows Border.

1. B4, K33, B4

2 & alt rows. B4, P33, B4

3. B4, K33, B4

5. B4 [K3, yo, skpo, K6]3t, B4

7. B4 [K4, yo, skpo, K5]3t, B4

9. B4 [K5, yo, skpo, K4]3t, B4

11. B4 [K3, K2tog, yo, K1, yo, skpo, K3]3t, B4

13. B4 [K2, K2tog, yo, K3, yo, skpo, K2]3t, B4

15. B4 [K3, K2tog, yo, K1, yo, skpo, K3]3t, B4

17. B4 [K2, K2tog, yo, K3, yo, skpo, K2]3t, B4

19. B4 [K4, yo, sl1, K2tog, psso, yo, K4]3t, B4

21. B4, K33, B4

23. B4, K33, B4

24. B4, P33, B4

Work 2 patts. Work 6 rows Border. Cast off.

Flower and Stem version #2

Cast on 41st. Work 6 rows Border.

1. B4, K33, B4

2 & alt rows. B4, P33, B4

3. B4, K33, B4

5. B4 [K3, yo, skpo, K6]3t, B4

7. B4 [K4, yo, skpo, K5]3t, B4

9. B4 [K5, yo, skpo, K4]3t, B4

11. B4 [K3, K2tog, yo, K1, yo, skpo, K3]3t, B4

13. B4 [K2, K2tog, yo, K3, yo, skpo, K2]3t, B4

15. B4 [K3, K2tog, yo, K1, yo, skpo, K3]3t, B4

17. B4 [K2, K2tog, yo, K3, yo, skpo, K2]3t, B4

19. B4 [K4, yo, sl1, K2tog, psso, yo, K4]3t, B4

21. B4, K33, B4

23. B4, K33, B4

24. B4, P33, B4

Work 2 patts. Work 6 rows Border. Cast off.

Pique Diamond cloth

Cast on 38st. Work 6 rows Border.

1. B4 [K9, P1]3t, B4

2. B4, K2 [P7, K3]2t, P7, K1, B4

3. B4, P2 [K5, P5]2t, K5, P3, B4

4. B4, K4 [P3, K7]2t, P3, K3, B4

5. B4, P4 [K1, P9]2t, K1, P5, B4

6. B4, K4 [P3, K7]2t, P3, K3, B4

7. B4, P2 [K5, P5]2t, K5, P3, B4

8. B4, K2 [P7, K3]2t, P7, K1, B4

Work 6 patts + 1 row. Work 6 rows Border. Cast off.

Raindrops cloth

CO 37
1- K4, P5 *K1, YO, P5* 4X, K4
2- K9 *P2, K5* 4X, K4
3- K4, P5 *K2, P5* 4X, K4
4- K9 *P2, K5* 4X, K4
5- K4, P5 *K2, P5* 4X, K4
6- K9 *P2TOG, K5* 4X, K4
7- K4, P2 *K1, YO, P5* 4X, K1, YO, P2, K4
8- K6 *P2, K5* 4X, P2, K6
9- K4, P2 *K2, P5* 4X, K2, P2, K4
10- K6 *P2, K5* 4X, P2, K6
11- K4, P2 *K2, P5* 4X, K2, P2, K4
12- K6 *P2TOG, K5* 4X, P2TOG, K6
13-48- REP 1-12 3X

Monday, March 14, 2011

Blackberry cloth

CO 40
1-6. K
7- K4 *(K1, YO, K1) IN NEXT ST, P3TOG* 8X, K4
8- K4 *K1, P3* 8X, K4
9- K4 *K3, P1* 8X, K4
10- K4 *P1, K3* 8X, K4
11- K4 *P3TOG, (K1, YO, K1) IN NEXT ST* 8X, K4
12- K4 *P3, K1* 8X, K4
13- K4 *P1, K3* 8X, K4
14- K4 *K3, P1* 8X, K4
15-54- REP 7-14 5 MORE TIMES
56-61- K

Lace and Fans cloth

Cast on 39st. Work 6 rows Border.

1. B4, k1 yo k1 p4 [p2tog]2t p4 k1 [yo k1]2t p4 [p2tog]2t p4 k1

yo k1 B4

2. & alt rows. B4 p31 B4

3. B4 k1 [yo k2 p3 {p2tog}2t p3 k2 yo k1]2t B4

5. B4 k1 [yo k3 p2 {p2tog}2t p2 k3 yo k1]2t B4

7. B4 k1 [yo k4 p1 {p2tog}2t p1 k4 yo k1]2t B4

9. B4 k1 [yo k5 {p2tog}2t k5 yo k1]2t B4

10. B4 p31 B4

Work 5 patts. Work 6 rows Border. Cast off.

Chevron #2 cloth

CO 44
1-6. K
7. K7, P5, K3, P1, K3, P5, K3, P1, K3, P5, K3, P1, K4
8. (K5, P3) 2X, K1, P3, K5, P3, K1, P3, K5, P3, K4
9. K4, P1 (K3, P3) 5X, K3, P2, K4
10. K6 (P3, K3) 5X P3, K5
11. K4, P2, (K3, P1, K3, P5) 2X, K3, P1, K3, P3, K4
12. K7, P3 (K1, P3, K5, P3) 2X, K1, P3, K6
13. K4, P3 (K5, P3, K1, P3) 2X, K5, P3, K5
14. K4, P1 (K3, P5, K3, P1)2X, K3, P5, K7
15. K5 (P3, K3)5X, P3, K6
16. K4, P2 (K3, P3)5X, K3, P1, K4
17. K6, (P3, K1, P3, K5)2X, P3, K1, P3, K7
18. K4, P3 (K3, P1, K3, P5)2X, K3, P1, K3, P2, K4
19-54. REP 7-18 THREE TIMES
55-60. K

Cabled Heart cloth

C4F= SL 2sts to a cable needle and hold in front, k2 sts, k2 sts from cable needle 
Tw3B= SL 1st to cable needle and hold in back, k2 sts, p1 sts from cable needle 
Tw3F= SL 2sts to cable needle and hold in front, p1 sts, k2 sts from cable needle 
Tw2F= SL 1st to cable needle and hold in front, p1 sts, k1 sts from cable needle 
Tw2B= SL 1st to cable needle and hold in back, k1 sts, p1 sts from cable needle 
C2B= SL 1st to cable needle and hold in back, k1 st, k1 st from cable needle 
C2F= SL 1st to cable needle and hold in front, k1 st, k1 st from cable needle

Cast on 40st. 

Work 6 rows Border. 

1. B4 [k6, p4, k6]2t, B4 

2. B4 [p6, C4F, p6]2t, B4 

3. B4 [k6, p4, k6]2t, B4 

4. B4 [p5, Tw3B, Tw3F, p5]2t, B4

5. B4 [k5, p2, k2, p2, k5]2t, B4 

6. B4 [p4, Tw3B, p2, Tw3F, p4]2t, B4 

7. B4 [(k4, p2)2t, k4]2t, B4 

8. B4 [p3, Tw3B, p4, Tw3F, p3]2t, B4 

9. B4 [k3, p2, k6, p2, k3]2t, B4 

10. B4 [p2, (Tw3B)2t, (Tw3F]2t, p2]2t, B4 

11. B4 [k2 (p2, k1, p2, k2)2t]2t, B4 

12. B4 [p1, (Tw3B)2t, p2, (Tw3F)2t, p1]2t, B4 

13. B4 [(k1, p2)2t, k4, (p2, k1)2t]2t, B4 

14. B4 [p1, k1, Tw2F, Tw3F, p2, Tw3B, Tw2B, k1, p1]2t, B4 

15. B4 [(k1, p1)2t, k1, p2, k2, p2, k1, (p1, k1)2t]2t, B4 

16. B4 [p1, k1, p1, Tw2F, Tw3F, Tw3B, Tw2B, p1, k1, p1]2t, B4 

17. B4 [k1, p1, k2, p1, k1, p4, k1, p1, k2, p1, k1]2t, B4 

18. B4 [p1, Tw2F, Tw2B, p1, C4F, p1, Tw2F, Tw2B, p1]2t, B4 

19. B4 [k2, C2B, k2, p4, k2, C2F, k2]2t, B4

20-51. Rep 4-19 two more times Work 6 rows Border. Cast off.

Broken V's cloth

Tw2R= Pass needle in front of first stitch, knit second stitch, knit
first stitch and slip both stitches off needle

Tw2L= Pass needle behind first stitch, knit second stitch, knit first
stitch, and slip both stitches off needle

CO 47
1-6. K
7. K4 *K1, Tw2R, K2, Tw2R, K1, Tw2L, K3* 3x, K4
8, and ALT ROWS. K4, P39, K4
9. K4 *K4, Tw2R, K3, Tw2L, K2* 3x, K4
11. K4 *K3, Tw2R, K1, Tw2L, K2, Tw2L, K1* 3x, K4
13. K4 *K2, Tw2R, K3, Tw2L, K4* 3x, K4
15-54. Rep 7-14, 5 more times
55-60. K

Brick cloth

CO 40
1-6. K
7. K4 *P6, K2* 4X, K4
8. K4 *P2, K6* 4X, K4
9 & 10. Rep rows 7 & 8
11. K6 *P2, K6* 3X, P2, K8
12. K4, P4 *K2, P6* 3X, K2, P2, K4
13 & 14. Rep rows 11 & 12
15-54. REP 7-14 5 MORE TIMES
55-60. K

Seed Lozenge cloth

CO 38
1-6. K
7. K4 (P3, K2) 5X, P3, K6
8 & 10. K
9. K4 (P1, K2, P2) 6X, K4
11. K4 (P1, K4) 5X, P1, K8
12 & 13. K4 (P3, K2) 5X, P3, K6
14 & 15. K4 (P1, K4) 5X, P1, K8
16 & 17. K6, P3 (K2, P3) 5X, K4
18. K8, P1 (K4, P1) 5X, K4
19. K4 (P1, K4) 5X, P1, K8
20 & 21. K4 (P3, K2) 5X, P3, K6
22 & 23. K4 (P1, K4) 5X, P1, K8
24 & 25. K6, P3 (K2, P3) 5X, K4
26. K8, P1 (K4, P1) 5X, K4
27-46. REP 7-26 ONE MORE TIME
47. K4 (P3, K2) 5X, P3, K6
48-53. K

Friday, March 11, 2011

Twisted Columns Pattern

CO 38
1-6. K
7. K4 *P2, K1* 10X, K4
8. K4 *P1, K2, P1, SL1 PWISE, P1, YO, PSSO THE P1 AND YO* 5X, K4
9 - 14. Rep rows 7 & 8 three more times.
15. K4 *P2, K1* 10X, K4
16. K4 *P1, SL1 PWISE, P1, YO, PSSO THE P1 AND YO, P1,
K2* 5X, K4
17 - 22. Rep rows 15 & 16 three more times.
23-54. REP 7-22 TWO MORE TIMES
55-60. K

Ostrich Plume pattern

Tested and photo by Ellie :)

CO 41
1. K
2. K4, P33, K4
3. K4, (K1, YO) 3X (SL1, K1, PSSO) 2X, SL2, K1, P2SSO, (K2TOG) 2X, (YO, K1) 5X,
YO, (SL1, K1, PSSO) 2X, SL2, K1, P2SSO, (K2TOG) 2X, (YO, K1) 3X, K4
4, K4, P33, K4
5-16. Rep rows 1-4 3 more times
17. K
18. K4, P33, K4
19. K4, (K2TOG)3X, (YO, K1) 5X, YO, (SL1, K1, PSSO)2X, SL2, K1, P2SSO, (K2TOG)2X,
(YO, K1)5X, YO, (SL1, K1, PSSO)3X, K4
20. K4, P33, K4
21-32. Rep rows 17-20 three more times.
33-48. Rep rows 1-16 one more time.

Seed block pattern

Tested and photo by Ellie :)

CO 40
1-6. K
7. K5 *(P1, K1) 2X, P6* 3X, K5
8. K5 *K5, P1, (K1, P1) 2X* 3X, K5
9 - 14. Rep rows 7 & 8 three more times
15. K5 *P6, (K1, P1) 2X* 3X, K5
16. K5 *(P1, K1) 2X, P1, K5* 3X, K5
17 - 22. Rep rows 15 & 16 three more times
23-54. REP 7-22 2 MORE TIMES
55-60. K

Leaf rake pattern

Tested and photo by Debbie :)

CO 39
1-6. K
7, 9, 11, 13, 15. K4, P31, K4
8, 10, 12, 14, 16. K
17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27. K4, P14, K3, P14, K4
18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28. K18, P3, K18
29. K4, P12,K7, P12, K4
30. K15, P2, K5, P2, K15
31. K4, P10, K2, P7, K2, P10, K4
32. K13, P13, K13
33. K4, P9, (K1, P1) 6X, K1, P9, K4
34, 36, 38, 40, 42. K
35, 37, 39, 41, 43. K4, P31, K4
44-49. K

Flower and stem pattern

Tested and photo by Ellie :)

Cast on 41st. Work 6 rows Border.

1. B4 [K3, yo, skpo, K6]3t, B4

2 & alt rows. B4, P33, B4

3. B4 [K4, yo, skpo, K5]3t, B4

5. B4 [K5, yo, skpo, K4]3t, B4

7. B4 [K3, K2tog, yo, K1, yo, skpo, K3]3t, B4

9. B4 [K2, K2tog, yo, K3, yo, skpo, K2]3t, B4

11. B4 [K3, K2tog, yo, K1, yo, skpo, K3]3t, B4

13. B4 [K2, K2tog, yo, K3, yo, skpo, K2]3t, B4

15. B4 [K4, yo, sl1, K2tog, psso, yo, K4]3t, B4

17. B4, [K9, yo, skpo]2t, K11, B4

19. B4, K10, yo, skpo, K9, yo, skpo, K10, B4

21. B4, K11 [yo, skpo, K9]2t, B4

23. B4, K9, [K2tog, yo, K1, yo, skpo, K6]2t, K2, B4

25. B4, K8 [K2tog, yo, K3, yo, skpo, K4]2t, K3, B4

27. B4, K9 [K2tog, yo, K1, yo, skpo, K6]2t, K2, B4

29. B4, K8 [K2tog, yo, K3, yo, skpo, K4]2t, K3, B4

31. B4, K10 [yo, sl1, K2tog, psso, yo, K8]2t, K1, B4

32. B4, P33, B4

33 – 48. Work rows 1 – 16.

Work 6 rows Border. Cast off.

Nut pattern

Tested and photo by Ellie :)

CO 36
1-6. K
7. K4 *P3, (K1, YO, K1) IN NEXT ST* REP FROM * TO LAST 4 STS, K4
8. K4 *P3, K3* REP FROM * TO LAST 4 STS, K4
9. K4 *P3, K3* REP FROM * TO LAST 4 STS, K4
10.K4 *P3TOG, K3* REP FROM * TO LAST 4 STS, K4
11. K4, P28, K4
12. K
13. K4 *P1, (K1, YO, K1) IN NEXT ST, P2* REP FROM * TO LAST 4 STS, K4
14. K6 *P3, K3* REP FROM * TO LAST 8 STS, P3, K5
15. K4, P1 *K3, P3* REP FROM TO LAST 9 STS, K3, P2, K4
16. K6 *P3TOG, K3* REP FROM * TO LAST 8 STS, P3TOG, K5
17. K4, P28, K4
18. K
19-54. REP 7-18 3 MORE TIMES
55-60. K

Chequered pattern

Tested and photo by Ellie :)
CO 45
1-6. K
7. K4 *K7, P5* 3X, K5
9. K4 *K7, P5* 3X, K5
11. K4 *K7, P5* 3X, K5
13. K5 *P5, K7* 3X, K4
15. K5 *P5, K7* 3X, K4
17. K5 *P5, K7* 3X, K4
18. K4, K THE K AND P THE P, K4
19-54. REP 7-18 3 MORE TIMES
55-60. K

Curled pattern

Tested and photo by Ellie :)
CO 38
1-6. K
7. K4 *P4, K2* 5X, K4
9. K4 *P3, K3* 5X, K4
11. K4 * P2, K4* 5X, K4
13. K4, P1 *K4, P2* 4X, K4, P1, K4
15. K4, P1 *K3, P3* 4X, K3, P2, K4
17. K4, P1 *K2, P4* 4X, K2, P3, K4
18. K4 *K THE K, P THE P* K4
19-54. REP 7-18 3 MORE X
55-61. K

Window pattern

Tested and photo by Ellie :)
Cast on 44st. Work 6 rows Border
1. B4, K36, B4
2. B4, p36, B4
3. B4 [k2, p6, k4]3t, B4
4. B4, K & P as facing, B4
5 - 11. B4 [p2, k6, p2, k2]3t, B4
12. B4, [k2, p6, k4] 3t, B4
13. B4 [k2, p6, k4]3t, B4
14. B4, k36, B4
15. B4, k36, B4
16. B4, p36, B4
Work 3 patts. Work 6 rows Border. Cast off.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Vine lace pattern

Tested and photo by Ellie :)
CO 37
1-6. K
7. K5 *K1, YO, K2, SL1, K1, PSSO, K2TOG, K2, YO* 3X, K5
8. K4, P29, K4
9. K5 *YO, K2, SL1, K1, PSSO, K2TOG, K2, YO, K1* 3X, K5
10. K4, P29, K4
11-54. REP 7-10 11 MORE TIMES
55-60. K

Large and small diamond pattern

Tested and photo by Ellie :)
CO 38
1-6. K
7. K4 *K1, P13, K1* 2X, K4
8. K4 *P2, K11, P2* 2X, K4
9. K4 *K3, P9, K3* 2X, K4
10. K4 *P4, K7, P4* 2X, K4
11. K4 *K5, P5, K5* 2X, K4
12. K4 *K1, P5, K3, P5, K1* 2X, K4
13. K4 *P2, K5, P1, K5, P2* 2X, K4
14. K4 *K3, P9, K3* 2X, K4
15. K4 *P2, K5, P1, K5, P2* 2X, K4
16. K4 *K1, P5, K3, P5, K1* 2X, K4
17. K4 *K5, P5, K5* 2X, K4
18. K4 *P4, K7, P4* 2X, K4
19. K4 *K3, P9, K3* 2X, K4
20. K4 *P2, K11, P2* 2X, K4
21-57. REP 7-20 2 MORE TIMES AND 7-14 1 MORE TIME
58-63. K

Fancy Basket pattern

Tested and photo by Ellie :)

CO 40
1, 2, 3, 4- K4 *P4, K4* 4X, K4
5 & 6- K4 *K4, P4* 4X, K4
7 & 8- K4 *P4, K4* 4X, K4
9 & 10- K4 *K4, P4* 4X, K4
11-50- REP 1-10 4 MORE TIMES