Monday, March 14, 2011

Cabled Heart cloth

C4F= SL 2sts to a cable needle and hold in front, k2 sts, k2 sts from cable needle 
Tw3B= SL 1st to cable needle and hold in back, k2 sts, p1 sts from cable needle 
Tw3F= SL 2sts to cable needle and hold in front, p1 sts, k2 sts from cable needle 
Tw2F= SL 1st to cable needle and hold in front, p1 sts, k1 sts from cable needle 
Tw2B= SL 1st to cable needle and hold in back, k1 sts, p1 sts from cable needle 
C2B= SL 1st to cable needle and hold in back, k1 st, k1 st from cable needle 
C2F= SL 1st to cable needle and hold in front, k1 st, k1 st from cable needle

Cast on 40st. 

Work 6 rows Border. 

1. B4 [k6, p4, k6]2t, B4 

2. B4 [p6, C4F, p6]2t, B4 

3. B4 [k6, p4, k6]2t, B4 

4. B4 [p5, Tw3B, Tw3F, p5]2t, B4

5. B4 [k5, p2, k2, p2, k5]2t, B4 

6. B4 [p4, Tw3B, p2, Tw3F, p4]2t, B4 

7. B4 [(k4, p2)2t, k4]2t, B4 

8. B4 [p3, Tw3B, p4, Tw3F, p3]2t, B4 

9. B4 [k3, p2, k6, p2, k3]2t, B4 

10. B4 [p2, (Tw3B)2t, (Tw3F]2t, p2]2t, B4 

11. B4 [k2 (p2, k1, p2, k2)2t]2t, B4 

12. B4 [p1, (Tw3B)2t, p2, (Tw3F)2t, p1]2t, B4 

13. B4 [(k1, p2)2t, k4, (p2, k1)2t]2t, B4 

14. B4 [p1, k1, Tw2F, Tw3F, p2, Tw3B, Tw2B, k1, p1]2t, B4 

15. B4 [(k1, p1)2t, k1, p2, k2, p2, k1, (p1, k1)2t]2t, B4 

16. B4 [p1, k1, p1, Tw2F, Tw3F, Tw3B, Tw2B, p1, k1, p1]2t, B4 

17. B4 [k1, p1, k2, p1, k1, p4, k1, p1, k2, p1, k1]2t, B4 

18. B4 [p1, Tw2F, Tw2B, p1, C4F, p1, Tw2F, Tw2B, p1]2t, B4 

19. B4 [k2, C2B, k2, p4, k2, C2F, k2]2t, B4

20-51. Rep 4-19 two more times Work 6 rows Border. Cast off.


  1. They're all wonderful but this one is especially nice for a wedding present! Thanks for posting all your hard work and sharing it:)

  2. Your pattern is beautiful but I'm just wondering where you got the abbreviations Tw3b, tw3f, tw2f, tw2b from. I've researched the abbreviations because I've never seen them before.

    1. Hi I got them out of a book, I cant remember the name, HUgs Roxee

  3. Hi I got them out of a book, I cant remember the name, HUgs Roxee

  4. I am having trouble with row 6. After the repeats I have 5 stitches left to purl instead of 4 before the border. Can you help me please.

    1. Hi I am not sure how I can help, the row is written right, how many sts do you have before you start it?

  5. what yarn did you use in he pic?

  6. What are the dimensions for this square?

  7. Replies
    1. Hi, it stands for Border so you can do seed stitch or garter stitch

  8. I'd really like to make this but I can't get the pattern to sgow. Is there another link I can go to so I can see the pattern.

    1. Hi, sorry about that, the text color was too dark but I fixed it, thanks

  9. In row 7 ive gone through directions but still have 12 sts left what do i do with them

    1. Hi, in row 7 are you doing (k4, p2)2t? Please let me know so I can fix it if needed, thanks

  10. What is the border? Garter stitch? Something else?

    1. Hi, border is whichever you prefer, can be garter or seed stitch :)
