Thursday, February 19, 2009

Space Face Cloth

This is another pattern I designed that I call Space Face :) Test knitted and photo by Sheila :)
Here is the pattern:
Space Face
Co 38
1-6. K
7. K4, P30, K4
8. K
9. K4, P30, K4
10. K
11. K4, P30, K4
12. K
13. K4, P12, K6, P12, K4
14. K15, P8, K15
15. K4, P10, K2, P6, K2, P10, K4
16. K9, P3, K1, P2, K2, P4, K2, P2, K1, P3, K9
17. K4, P5, K3, P1, K2, P1, K1, P4, K1, P1, K2, P1, K3, P5, K4
18. K9, P6, K3, P2, K3, P6, K9
19. K4, P5, K6, P3, K2, P3, K6, P5, K4
20. K9, P6, K8, P6, K9
21. K4, P5, K6, P1, K2, P2, K2, P1, K6, P5, K4
22. K9, P3, K1, P2, K1, P2, K2, P2, K1, P2, K1, P3, K9
23. K4, P5, K3, P1, K2, P8, K2, P1, K3, P5, K4
24. K14, P2, K6, P2, K14
25. K4, P11, K8, P11, K4
26. K16, P6, K16
27. K4, P13, K1, P2, K1, P13, K4
28. K17, P1, K2, P1, K17
29. K4, P13, K1, P2, K1, P13, K4
30. K16, p1, K4, P1, K16
31. K4, P12, K1, P4, K1, P12, K4
32. K15, P1, K6, P1, K15
33. K4, P10, K2, P6, K2, P10, K4
34. K
35. K4, P30, K4
36. K
37. K4, P30, K4
38. K
39. K4, P30, K4
40-46. K
Created by Roxee E
Copyright Roxee Jan 22, 2009
This pattern is for your own personal use. The pattern may not be sold, reprinted or distributed by any means without prior authorization. Thanks!

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