Saturday, June 26, 2010

Shovel cloth

In honor of my hubbys love for landscaping :) Tested and photo by Debbie


CO 36

1-4. K

5, 7, 9, 11, 13. K4, P28, K4

6, 8, 10, 12, 14. K

15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31 (ODD NUMBER ROWS). K4, P13, K2, P13, K4

16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30 (EVEN NUMBER ROWS). K17, P2, K17

32. K13, P2, K2, P2, K2, P2, K13

33. K4, P9, K2, P2, K2, P2, K2, P9, K4

34, 36, 38, 40 (EVEN NUMBERS). K13, P10, K13

35, 37, 39 (ODD). K4, P9, K10, P9, K4

41. K4, P10, K8, P10, K4

42. K14, P8, K14

43. K4, P11, K6, P11, K4

44. K16, P4, K16

45. K4, P12, K4, P12, K4

46. K17, P2, K17

47. K4, P13, K2, P13, K4

48, 50, 52, 54. K

49, 51, 53, 55. K4, P28, K4

56-59. K


Created by Roxee E

Copyright Roxee July, 2009

This pattern is for your own personal use. The pattern may not be sold, reprinted or distributed by any means without prior authorization. Thanks!

Fuchsia cloth

Tested and photo by Ellie :)


CO 38 (44)


1- K4 *P2, K2, YO, P2* 5 (6)X, K4

2- K4 *K2, P3, K2* 5 (6)X, K4

3- K4 *P2, K3, YO, P2* 5 (6)X, K4

4- K4 *K2, P4, K2* 5 (6)X, K4

5- K4 *P2, K4, YO, P2* 5 (6)X, K4

6- K4 *K2, P5, K2* 5 (6)X, K4

7- K4 *P2, K3, K2TOG, P2* 5 (6)X, K4

8- K4 *K2, P4, K2* 5 (6)X, K4

9- K4 *P2, K2, K2TOG, P2* 5 (6)X, K4

10- K4 *K2, P3, K2* 5 (6)X, K4

11- K4 *P2, K1, K2TOG, P2* 5 (6)X, K4

12- K4 *K2, P2, K2* 5 (6)X, K4

13-48. REP ROWS 1-12 3 MORE TIMES



Created by Roxee E

Copyright Roxee July, 2009

This pattern is for your own personal use. The pattern may not be sold, reprinted or distributed by any means without prior authorization. Thanks!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ridged Almond cloth

Tested and photo by Ellie :)

Ridged Almond

Cast on 39st.

Work 6 rows Border.
1. B4, K31, B4

2. & alt rows. B4, purl to last 4st, B4

3. B4, P3 [(K1, P1, K1) in next st, P3]7t, B4

5 & 7. B4, P3 [K3, P3]7t, B4

9. B4, P3 [K3tog tbl, P3]7t, B4

11. B4, K31, B4
Work 4 patts. Work 6 rows Border. Cast off.

Created by Roxee E
Copyright Roxee July, 2009
This pattern is for your own personal use. The pattern may not be sold, reprinted or distributed by any means without prior authorization. Thanks!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Shell cloth

Tested and photo by Ellie :)


CO 40
1-6. K
8. K6 *YO, SL1, K1, PSSO, K5* 4X, K6
10. K6 *YO, K1, SL1, K1, PSSO, K4* 4X, YO, K2TOG, K4
12. K6 *YO, K2, SL1, K1, PSSO, K3* 4X, YO, K2TOG, K4
14. K6 *YO, K3, SL1, K1, PSSO, K2* 4X, YO, K2TOG, K4
16. K6 *YO, K4, SL1, K1, PSSO, K1* 4X, YO, K2TOG, K4
18. K6 *YO, K5, SL1, K1, PSSO* 4X, YO, K2TOG, K4
20-54. REP 8-18 3 MORE TIMES
55. K4, P32, K4
56-61. K

Created by Roxee E

Copyright Roxee July, 2009

This pattern is for your own personal use. The pattern may not be sold, reprinted or distributed by any means without prior authorization. Thanks!

Scroll cloth

Tested and phot by Ellie :)







CO 40

1-6. K

7. K5 *YO, K8, K2TOG* 3X, K5

8. K4, P1 *P2TOG, P7, YO, P1* 3X, P1, K4

9. K5 *K2, YO, K6, K2TOG* 3X, K5

10. K4, P1 *P2TOG, P5, YO, P3* 3X, P1, K4

11. K5 *K4, YO, K4, K2TOG* 3X, K5

12. K4, P1 *P2TOG, P3, YO, P5* 3X, P1, K4

13. K5 *K6, YO, K2, K2TOG* 3X, K5

14. K4, P1 *P2TOG, P1, YO, P7* 3X P1, K4

15. K5 *K8, YO, K2TOG* 3X, K5

16. K4, P1 *YO, P8, P2TOGTBL* 3X, P1, K4

17. K5 *SL1, K1, PSSO, K7, YO, K1* 3X, K5

18. K4, P1 *P2, YO, P6, P2TOGTBL* 3X, P1, K4

19. K5 *SL1, K1, PSSO, K5, YO, K3* 3X, K5

20. K4, P1 *P4, YO, P4, P2TOGTBL* 3X, P1, K4

21. K5 *SL1, K1, PSSO, K3, YO, K5* 3X, K5

22. K4, P1 *P6, YO, P2, P2TOGTBL* 3X, P1, K4

23. K5 *SL1, K1, PSSO, K1, YO, K7* 3X, K5

24. K4, P1 *P8, YO, P2TOGTBL* 3X, P1, K4

25-60. REP 7-24 2 MORE TIMES

61-66. K


Created by Roxee E

Copyright Roxee July, 2009

This pattern is for your own personal use. The pattern may not be sold, reprinted or distributed by any means without prior authorization. Thanks!

Fudge Bar cloth

I made this in honor of my man (cat) Fox who loves fudge bars LOL Tested and phot by Debbie :)


CO 30

1-4. K

5, 7, 9, 11. K3, P24, K3

6, 8, 10, 12. K

13, 15, 17, 19. K3, P11, K2, P11, K3

14, 16, 18, 20. K14, P2, K14

21-33 (ODD NUMBER ROWS). K3, P7, K10, P7, K3

22-34 (EVEN NUMBER ROWS). K10, P10, K10

35. K3, P8, K8, P8, K3

36. K13, P4, K13

37, 39, 41, 43. K3, P24, K3

38, 40, 42, 44. K

45-48. K


Created by Roxee E

Copyright Roxee June, 2010

This pattern is for your own personal use. The pattern may not be sold, reprinted or distributed by any means without prior authorization. Thanks!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Eyelet Lace pattern

Tested and photo by Ellie :)


CO 44

1-6. K

7. K4 *K2, K2TOG, YO, K1, YO, SL1, K1, PSSO, K4, K2TOG, YO, K1, YO,SL1, K1, PSSO, K2* 2X, K4


9. K4 *K1, K2TOG, YO, K3, YO, SL1, K1, PSSO, K2, K2TOG, YO, K3, YO,SL1, K1, PSSO, K1* 2X, K4

11. K4 *K2TOG, YO, K14, YO, SL1, K1, PSSO* 2X, K4

13. K4 * K1, YO, SL1, K1, PSSO, K12, K2TOG, YO, K1* 2X, K4

15. K4 *K2, YO, SL1, K1, PSSO, K10, K2TOG, YO, K2* 2X, K4

17. K4 *K3, YO, SL1, K1, PSSO, K8, K2TOG, YO, K3* 2X, K4

19. K4 *K4, YO, SL1, K1, PSSO, K6, K2TOG, YO, K4* 2X, K4

21-62. REP 7-20 3X

63-68. K


Created by Roxee E Copyright Roxee July, 2009 This pattern is for your own personal use. The pattern may not be sold, reprinted or distributed by any means without prior authorization. Thanks!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Fan Lace pattern

Tested and photo by Ellie :)





CO 41

1-6. K

7. K4, P1 *K1TBL, K4TOG, (YO, K1) 5X, YO, K4TOG, K1TBL, P1* 2X, K4

8. K5 *P15, K1* 2X, K4

9. K4, P1 *K1TBL, K13, K1TBL, P1* 2X, K4

10. K5 *P15, K1* 2X, K4

11-54. REP 7-10, 11 MORE TIMES

55-60. K


Created by Roxee E

Copyright Roxee July, 2009

This pattern is for your own personal use. The pattern may not be sold, reprinted or distributed by any means without prior authorization. Thanks!

Small Spiral Lace pattern

Tested and photo by Ellie

Small Spiral Lace

Cast on 41st.

Work 6 rows Border.
1. B4, K3, P2, K4, K2tog, K4, yo, K1tbl, P1, K1tbl, yo, K4, K2togtbl, K4, P2, K3, B4

2. & alt rows. B4, P3, K2, P11, K1, P11, K2, P3, B4

3. B4, K3, P2, K3, K2tog, K4, yo, K1, K1tbl, P1, K1tbl, K1, yo, K4, K2tog tbl, K3, P2, K3, B4

5. B4, K3, P2, K2, K2tog, K4, yo, K2, K1tbl, P1, K1tbl, K2, yo, K4, K2tog tbl, K2, P2, K3, B4

7. B4, K3, P2, K1, K2tog, K4, yo, K3, K1tbl, P1, K1tbl, K3, yo, K4, K2tog tbl, K1, P2, K3, B4

9. B4, K3, P2, K2tog, K4, yo, K4, K1tbl, P1, K1tbl, K4, yo, K4, K2tog tbl, P2, K3, B4

Work 5 patts.

Work 6 rows Border.

Cast off.

Created by Roxee E

Copyright Roxee July, 2009

This pattern is for your own personal use. The pattern may not be sold, reprinted or distributed by any means without prior authorization. Thanks!

Large Spiral Lace pattern

Test knitted and photo by Ellie :)






CO 60

1-6. K

7. K4 *P2, K4, K2TOG, K4, YO, K1TBL, P1, K1TBL, YO, K4, SSK, K4* 2X, P2, K4

8 AND ALL EVEN ROWS. K6 *P11, K1, P11, K2* 2X, K4

9. K4 *P2, K3, K2TOG, K4, YO, K1, K1TBL, P1, K1TBL, K1, YO, K4, SSK,K3* 2X, P2, K4

11. K4 *P2, K2, K2TOG, K4, YO, K2, K1TBL, P1, K1TBL, K2, YO, K4, SSK,K2* 2X, P2, K4

13. K4 *P2, K1, K2TOG, K4, YO, K3, K1TBL, P1, K1TBL, K3, YO, K4, SSK,K1* 2X, P2, K4

15. K4 *P2, K2TOG, K4, YO, K4, K1TBL, P1, K1TBL, K4, YO, K4, SSK* 2X, P2, K4

17-66. REP 7-16 5 MORE TIMES

67-72. K


Created by Roxee E

Copyright Roxee July, 2009

This pattern is for your own personal use. The pattern may not be sold, reprinted or distributed by any means without prior authorization. Thanks!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Shell 2 pattern

Test knitted and photo by Ellie :)




CO 47

1-6. K

7. K6 *YO, K8, YO, K1* 4X K5

8. K7 *P8, K3* 4X K4

9. K7 *YO, K8, YO, K3* 4X K4

10. K8 *P8,K5* 4X K3

11. K8 *YO, K8, YO, K5* 4X K3

12. K9 *P8, K7* 4X K2

13. K9 *K4TOGTBL K4TOG, K7* 4X K2

14. K

15-54. REP 7-14 5 MORE TIMES

55-60. K


Created by Roxee E
Copyright Roxee June, 2009
This pattern is for your own personal use. The pattern may not be sold, reprinted or distributed by any means without prior authorization. Thanks!

Flower pattern

Test knitted and phot by Debbie :)


CO 32

1-6. K

7. K4, P24, K4

8. K

9, 11, 13. K4, P7, K10, P7, K4

10 & 12. K11, P10, K11

14. K10, P12, K10

15. K4, P6, K12, P6, K4

16 & 18. K15, P2, K15

17 & 19. K4, P11, K2, P11, K4

20. K13, P6, K13

21. K4, P5, K14, P5, K4

22. K7, P18, K7

23. K4, P1, K9, P1, K2, P1, K9, P1, K4

24. K5, P8, K2, P2, K2, P8, K5

25. K4, P1, K6, P4, K2, P4, K6, P1, K4

26. K15, P2, K15

27. K4, P11, K2, P11, K4

28. K10, P3, K2, P2, K2, P3, K10

29. K4, P5, K14, P5, K4

30. K8, P7, K2, P7, K8

31. K4, P4, K6, P4, K6, P4, K4

32. K8, P6, K1, P2, K1, P6, K8

33. K4, P5, K14, P5, K4

34. K9, P14, K9

35. K4, P4, K5, P2, K2, P2, K5, P4, K4

36. K8, P5, K2, P2, K2, P5, K8

37. K4, P4, K16, P4, K4

38. K9, P14, K9

39. K4, P6, K3, P1, K5, P1, K2, P6, K4

40. K13, P5, K14

41. K4, P11, K3, P10, K4

42. K

43. K4, P24, K4

44-49. K


Created by Roxee E

Copyright Roxee June, 2009

This pattern is for your own personal use. The pattern may not be sold, reprinted or distributed by any means without prior authorization. Thanks!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Little Shell pattern

Tested and photo by Ellie :)


CO 40

1-6. K

7. K4, P2 *K3, P2* 6X, K4

8. K6 *P3, K2* 6X, K4

9. K4, P2 *SL1, K2TOG, PSSO, P2* 6X K4

10. K6 *(P1, K1, P1) IN FRONT OF NEXT ST, K2* 6X, K4

11-54. REP ROWS 7-10 (11) more times

55-60. K


Created by Roxee E

Copyright Roxee July, 2009

This pattern is for your own personal use. The pattern may not be sold, reprinted or distributed by any means without prior authorization. Thanks!

Sun Smile pattern

Tested and photo by Ellie :)
CO 30
1-6. K
7 & 9. K3, P24, K3
8 & 10. K
11. K3, P11, K2, P11, K3
12. K6, P2, K5, P1, K2, P1, K5, P2, K6
13. K3, P3, K1, P1, K2, P3, K1, P2, K1, P3, K2, P1, K1, P3, K3
14. K6, P1, K3, P2, K1, P1, K2, P1, K1, P2, K3, P1, K6
15. K3, P4, K1, P4, K2, P2, K2, P4, K1, P4, K3
16. K7, P1, K6, P2, K6, P1, K7
17. K3, P4, K1, P5, K4, P5, K1, P4, K3
18. K8, P1, K3, P6, K3, P1, K8
19. K3, P6, K1, P1, K8, P1, K1, P6, K3
20. K7, P16, K7
21. K3, P3, K1, P3, K10, P3, K1, P3, K3
22. K5, P1, (K4, P3) 2X, K4, P1, K5
23. K3, P3, K1, P3, K3, P1, K2, P1, K3, P3, K1, P3, K3
24. K7, P16, K7
25. K3, P6, K1, P1, (K2, P1) 3X, K1, P6, K3
26. K8, P1, K3, P6, K3, P1, K8
27. K3, P4, K1, P5, K4, P5, K1, P4, K3
28. K7, P1, K6, P2, K6, P1, K7
29. K3, P4, K1, P4, K2, P2, K2, P4, K1, P4, K3
30. K6, P1, K3, P2, K1, P1, K2, P1, K1, P2, K3, P1, K6
31. K3, P3, K1, P1, K2, P3, K1, P2, K1, P3, K2, P1, K1, P3, K3
32. K6, P2, K5, P1, K2, P1, K5, P2, K6
33. K3, P11, K2, P11, K3
34 & 36. K
35 & 37. K3, P24, K3
38-43. K

Created by Roxee E

Copyright Roxee Jan, 2009

This pattern is for your own personal use. The pattern may not be sold, reprinted or distributed by any means without prior authorization. Thanks!

Rainy Day pattern

Tested and photo by Ellie :)


CO 40

1-6. K

7, 9, 11, 13, 15. K3, P34, K3


17. K3, P14, K4, P16, K3

19 & 21. K3, P14, K1, P1, K2, P16, K3

23. K3, (P1, K2) 2X, P10, K2, P10, (K2, P1) 2X, K3

25. K3, (P1, K2) 2X, P1, K20, (P1, K2) 2X, P1, K3

27. K3, (P1, K2) 2X, P2, K18, P2, (K2, P1) 2X, K3

29. K3, (P1, K2) 2x, P1, K1, P1, K16, P1, K1, P1, (K2, P1) 2X, K3

31. K3, (P1, K2) 3X, P1, K14, P1, (K2, P1) 3X, K3

33. K3, (P1, K2) 3X, P2, K12, P2, (K2, P1) 3X, K3

35. K3, P1, (K2, P1) 3X, K1, P1, K10, P1, K1, P1, (K2, P1) 3X, K3

37. K3, P1, (K2, P1) 4X, K8, P1, (K2, P1) 4X, K3

39. K3, (P1, K2) 4X, P2, K6, P2, (K2, P1) 4X, K3

41. K3, (P1, K2) 4X, P1, K1, P1, K4, P1, K1, P1, (K2, P1) 4X, K3

43. K3, (P1, K2) 11X, P1, K3

45, 47, 49, 51, 53. K3, P34, K3

55-59. K


Created by Roxee E

Copyright Roxee Jan, 2009

This pattern is for your own personal use. The pattern may not be sold, reprinted or distributed by any means without prior authorization. Thanks!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Traffic Light pattern

Tested and photo by Ellie :)


CO 43

1-6. K

7. K4, P35, K4

8. K

9 & 11. K4, P16, K3, P16, K4

10 & 12. K20, P3, K20

13. K4, P14, K7, P14, K4

14. K17, P9, K17

15. K4, P12, K11, P12, K4

16. K15, P3, K7, P3, K15

17. K4, P10, K3, P2, K5, P2, K3, P10, K4

18. K13, P3, K3, P5, K3, P3, K13

19. K4, P9, K3, P3, K5, P3, K3, P9, K4

20. K13, P3, K3, P5, K3, P3, K13

21. K4, P9, K3, P3, K5, P3, K3, P9, K4

22. K13, P3, K3, P5, K3, P3, K13

23. K4, P9, K3, P3, K5, P3, K3, P9, K4

24. K13, P3, K11, P3, K13

25. K4, P9, K3, P11, K3, P9, K4

26. K13, P3, K3, P5, K3, P3, K13

27. K4, P9, K3, P3, K5, P3, K3, P9, K4

28. K13, P3, K3, P5, K3, P3, K13

29. K4, P9, K3, P3, K5, P3, K3, P9, K4

30. K13, P3, K3, P5, K3, P3, K13

31. K4, P9, K3, P3, K5, P3, K3, P9, K4

32. K13, P3, K3, P5, K3, P3, K13

33. K4, P9, K3, P11, K3, P9, K4

34. K13, P3, K11, P3, K13

35. K4, P9, K3, P3, K5, P3, K3, P9, K4

36. K13, P3, K3, P5, K3, P3, K13

37. K4, P9, K3, P3, K5, P3, K3, P9, K4

38. K13, P3, K3, P5, K3, P3, K13

39. K4, P9, K3, P3, K5, P3, K3, P9, K4

40. K13, P3, K3, P5, K3, P3, K13

41. K4, P10, K3, P2, K5, P2, K3, P10, K4

42. K15 P3, K7, P3, K15

43. K4, P12, K11, P12, K4

44. K17, P9, K17

45. K4, P14, K7, P14, K4

46. K20, P3, K20

47. K4, P16, K3, P16, K4

48. K20, P3, K20

49. K4, P16, K3, P16, K4

50. K

51. K4, P35, K4

52-57. K


Created by Roxee E
Copyright Roxee Jan, 2009
This pattern is for your own personal use. The pattern may not be sold, reprinted or distributed by any means without prior authorization. Thanks!

Flower Pot pattern

Pattern test knitted and photo by Ellie :)


CO 42

1-6. K

7. K4, P34, K4


9. K4, P34, K4

11. K4, P14, K6, P14, K4

13. K4, P13, K8, P13, K4

15. K4, P12, K10, P12, K4

17. K4, P11, K12, P11, K4

19. K4, P10, K14, P10, K4

21. K4, P9, K16, P9, K4

23. K4, P8, K18, P8, K4

25. K4, P7, K20, P7, K4

27. K4, P6, K22, P6, K4

29. K4, P5, K24, P5, K4

31. K4, P4, K26, P4, K4

33. K4, P3, K28, P3, K4

35. K4, P2, K30, P2, K4

37. K4, P1, K32, P1, K4

39. K4, P1, K2, P8, K1, P5, K1, P4, K1, P5, K1, P2, K2, P1, K4

41. K4, P4, K1, P6, K2, P3, K1, P6, K1, P6, K1, P3, K4

43. K4, P3, K1, P5, K1, P2, K1, P4, K1, P1, K1, P3, K1, P6, K1, P3, K4

45. K4, P1, K3, P5, K1, P2, K2, P2, K1, P2, K2, P1, K1, P2, K1, P3, K2, P3, K4

47. K4, P1, K1, P2, K1, P2, K1, P1, K1, P1, K1, P2, K1, P2, K2, P1,K1, P2, K2, P3, K1, P1, K1, P1, K1, P1, K4

49. K4, P6, K1, P3, K1, P8, K1, P2, K1, P6, K3, P2, K4

51 & 53. K4, P34, K4

54-58. K


Created by Roxee E
Copyright Roxee Jan, 2009
This pattern is for your own personal use. The pattern may not be sold, reprinted or distributed by any means without prior authorization. Thanks!